Should I Remodel My Home or Just Move?
You’re sitting in your living room on a relaxing Saturday enjoying some music when your spouse comes out the bathroom and says,
“Found another crack in the shower tile.” You sigh. Another thing wrong with your home. You know you love it, but some days you have to wonder, “should we remodel or move?” If this sounds like something you’re wrestling with, read on to see the things homeowners like yourself should consider when thinking about remodeling vs moving.

Go around your house and list what needs fixing.

What Are You Willing to Upgrade?
No matter what you decide to do, remodel or move, there will be upgrades and fixes you’ll have to pay for. Even if you take the leap and buy a new home there will be repairs your potential new home might need. It’s rare for a home inspector to not find things that need tending to, so keep that mind and think about what you’re willing to fix.
A good way to jumpstart this thought process is to go around your house and list what needs fixing and what’s in great shape. Then seriously think about what you’d be willing to fix in your new home. What if you fell in love with a new house only to find it needs a new water heater or HVAC unit? Could you pay that in addition to all the other closing costs/fees?
Suppose you find a great new home but the potential buyers of your current home say they can’t afford the repairs their home inspector is suggesting? Would you be able to handle that in addition to your own closing costs?
As with any home search, you should always look into what others have sold their home for in your neighborhood and compare it to what your home is currently worth. If neighbors’ homes have sold for more, remodeling could give your house the edge it needs to keep up.
If you know your house is not your “forever” home then remodeling would make it easier to sell.
Research Your Local Market
As with any home search, you should always look into what others have sold their home for in your neighborhood and compare it to what your home is currently worth. If neighbors homes have sold for more, remodeling could give your house the edge it needs to keep up.
In fact, if you know the house your in is not your “forever” home then remodeling would make it easier to sell. The bonus of this is you can take the time to research lasting remodeling trends so when you’re ready to sell, your home will look like it came right out of a fancy magazine.

Looking into building codes and HOA restrictions now helps you to plan ahead for problems that might come up.

Research the Cost of Remodeling
Remember the repair list we suggested making? Now would be the perfect time to research what the cost of those repairs would be by checking with remodeling companies. The bonus is you’d be able to see what’s really more economical based on the types of remodeling your home needs.
It would be advantageous to look into local building codes and possible HOA restrictions. It would be most unfortunate to discover after you’ve begun the remodel that your home has to be constructed with certain materials or that you can’t add the extra footage you want. Looking into all of this now allows you to plan ahead for problems that could arise.
Additionally, this research could give you great insight on what remodel options you have.
It’s easier to remodel homes than neighborhoods.
Consider Your Emotions
Considering your emotions could be one of the best ways to decide if you should remodel or move. Suppose you live in an idyllic neighborhood with kids playing outside and people chatting by the fences. Could you find that same atmosphere somewhere else?
This could also go the other way. If you’re living in a noisy area with less than pleasing neighbors and not so great schools, it might make more sense to move.
Weighing the pros and cons will help you to decide whether remodeling or moving will benefit your family the most. Just remember, it’s easier to remodel homes than neighborhoods.
Hire Premier Remodeling Today
Premier Remodeling is a full-service Houston remodeling company specializing in many different types of home renovations. We pride ourselves on the quality of our craftsmanship and the integrity and expertise of our team. If you can’t decide whether to remodel or move, call us at 713-532-1100 or click below to schedule an on-site visit to discuss your options.